Model F-1630-2

Model F-1630-2

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Automatic Length Stop Assembly Discharge Worktable, 20″ W x 48″ L with Stock Stop Discharge Worktable, 30″ W x 48″ L with Stock Stop Work Light, Wired In Blade Break/Stall Switch Hydraulic Chip Conveyor, Auger Style Hydraulic Holddown, Saw Vise High Speed Drive & Guides (1″ Blade) 400-3000 SFPM Free Standing Roller Stock Conveyors, 6″ Centers: 21″ X 5′ X 5,000 lbs Cap. Distributed Weight 21″ X 10′ X 10,000 lbs Cap. Distributed Weight 31” X 5’ X 5,000 lbs Cap. Distributed Weight 31” X 10’ X 10,000 lbs Cap. Distributed Weight 21″ x 10′ Powered Conveyor, Hydraulic 31” Powered Conveyor Rectangular at 45º 16″ High X 13″ Wide, Round at 45º 13″ Diameter Voltage 208-60-3 230-60-3 460-60-3 575-60-3 (5HP)


ManufacturerWF Wells
CapacityRectangular at 90º 16″ High x 30″ Wide, Round at 90º 16″ Diameter
Weight capacity5,000 lbs
Blade speed60-500 SFPM
Blade size1¼” X .042″ X 16’8″
Sawing feedVariable, Hydraulic
Blade guideRollers and Carbide Side Blocks
Blade tensionHydraulic
Bandwheel size20″
ViseHydraulic, Full Stroke, 8-1/2”
Blade drive7½ HP, AC Vector Drive
Sawing force0-750 lbs
Coolant capacity15 Gallons
Hydraulic capacity20 Gallons
Hydraulic drive2 HP Motor
Work height35″
Shipping weight2,700 lbs
ElectricsWired to NFPA 79 Machine Tool Standards
Machine dimensions118″ Length x 52″ Width x 88″ Height