Contact us for price


· Depending on the Unit: Your Retrofit package includes:

  • ·       PC800A Unit
  • ·       PAC Unit - Motion Control
  • ·       GC03 (x2) - Motion Control
  • ·       NDR-120-24
  • ·       NDR-240-24

  • ·      Machine is assumed to be verified as in good electrical, mechanical & hydraulic condition prior to the retrofit
  • ·      Additional replacement servo motors, drives, and other components will be quoted at customer request, otherwise these items are assumed to be in good working order. * * Customer is advised to evaluate replaceability/serviceability of any servo related components that are not being replaced by PC Control’s retrofit proposal


  • ·      The price listed above for sold equipment or any other component parts or cost of equipment installation does not include any federal, state or local property, sales, use, excise, contractor’ excise tax, gross receipts or other like taxes, which may now, or hereafter, be applicable. All such taxes are agreed to be paid by the purchaser or distributor of the above equipment or services.
  • ·      Project will be requoted at time of order to assure accuracy of cost and delivery times which may vary.

Items customer is responsible to implement prior to PCC arriving for the control installation:

  • ·       Machine is under power
  • ·       Verify machine is in good mechanical/hydraulic/electrical condition
  • ·       Machine has been professionally leveled & anchored
  • ·       All necessary tooling/blanks available for run-off (diff width/lengths blanks, thickness parts)

Standard Delivery Time: 8 weeks from order placement, 

, receipt order deposit and receipt of necessary electrical/technical information. Delivery times and installation times are approximate and may be subject to delays beyond the control of PC Controls. Quote is valid for 30 days from August 21, 2024.

Some of the most important features of our PC based control are as follows:

  • The PC800 control is a PC-based control with open hardware & software architecture. Wherever possible, replacement parts are standard and available from multiple sources.
  • Operates under Windows 10Ô and is network ready at installation.
  • BendWizard©, ShearWizard©, Punch Wizard© Graphical Software with easy-to-use single screen programming & 2D graphical programming, unlimited part programs, materials, and tool storage. Easy input and storage for punches and dies. Plain English machine diagnostics with advanced troubleshooting helps.
  • Easy to use LCD, touch screen, standard PC monitor with graphical interface programming
  • User benefits: improved productivity, unlimited part program storage, easy to use graphical interface software, major maintenance cost savings on replacement parts.

The customer is to provide PC Controls with the original OEM and any updated electrical documentation and digital photos of the machine and the old control when the order is placed. Customer agrees to provide PC Controls with additional technical information such as cable lengths, enclosure mounting patterns, etc. that must be physically measured at the machine. Engineering of the project cannot begin without complete electrical documentation, digital photos, and additional technical information from the customer.


ManufacturerPC Controls